
Make Your Own Play Dough (and more!)

Homemade fun. Great for rainy days, weekends, preschoolers, or homeschool!

September 13, 2012
Have you seen your local Macaroni Kid moms on the Deals show, part of ABC's Livewell Network? If not, it will air on an upcoming Saturday morning on ABC13. We had the awesome opportunity to demonstrate making homemade molding clay, finger paint, and slime. The recipes are listed below, or you see the video by clicking the link: 

Molding Clay (play dough)
2 cups Flour
1 cup salt
4 teaspoons cooking oil 
food coloring
Directions: First add about 10-15 drops of food coloring to water. Mix all of the remaining ingredients in a pan with food coloring water. Stir over a medium heat until it becomes a soft ball. Let it cool, and enjoy!
Homemade Finger Paint 
1/3 cup corn starch
1/4 cup of dishwashing detergent
2 tablespoons sugar 
few drops of different color food colorings.
Directions: put the water, corn starch and the sugar in a saucepan and stir constantly for five minutes over low heat. Once it turns into a clear, smooth gel remove from heat and add dishwashing soap. Once that cools completely pour it into individual containers and add the food coloring. Then, it is ready!
Homemade Slime 
Bottle of glue
1 Tablespoon of Borax
1 1/2 cup warm water
1 packet of drink mix
Directions: In one container mix half a cup of warm water, a bottle of glue and unsweeteneddrink mix. In a separate container, mix 1 cup of warm water and borax. Once both containers are mixed, combine them and mix them together by hand. The mix will become slime in your hands. You have a little bit of extra juice, drain it or absorb it with paper towels. Enjoy!